The gallery
With our online gallery, dedicated to the production and distribution of high quality editions, we showcase local artists.
Die Motivation zur Entwicklung unserer Galerie ist es, Künstler jederzeit sichtbar zu machen – besonders und gerade in Zeiten von Beschränkungen.
Peter Schlichterle sagt dazu „auf meine Art“, wir meinen zu unserem Auftritt „auf unsere Art“.
You have the area, You would like to have an event for your customers?
We design a complete
exhibition, with full details!
Ask us, we will offer you a complete package.
• freestanding gallery walls (single size 100 x 250 cm)
• bar tables
• bar/counter/barkeeper/catering
• layout invitation
• ad
• Vernissage
• invitation poster
• gallery flyer (description artists, pictures)
gallery Reuter
makes it possible!
You think our artists are interesting?
You want your image in the right place in the right format as a print!
We will be happy to make you an offer.
for example: 360 g cotton fabric
on stenter frame made of spruce wood
80 x 80 cm € 180
70 x 100 cm € 170
100 x 100 cm € 195
80 x 120 cm € 320
Art on demand?
Sie möchten ein Bild, ein Portrait oder eine Skulptur individuell anfertigen lassen?
Contact us!